From our CCL event held on 22/05/2024 in Marcus Loane Hall at Moore Theological College. Slides (2 MB PDF). Event handout (1.3 MB PDF).
Speaker: Philip Kern.
MC: Peter Orr.
The sexualisation of society is not new. But the untethering of sex from all relational foundations has posed new problems. No longer is sex between a man and a woman, or even between a boyfriend and girlfriend, and nor is it even with another person you’ve met through an app; sex can now be with whomever you want, in whatever way you want—even with non-human devices.
Christians may not engage in these practices, but they are still immersed in the same cultural space. Our ideas of sex and sexuality can easily be shaped and changed by the world around us. How do we engage these topics in this new cultural space? How do we cling to what God in his word says is good for sex and sexuality? How do we respond to those who say that it is time to let go of our beliefs in the name of progress? Join us as Philip Kern, Head of New Testament at Moore College, brings us back to what the Bible says about relationships, our bodies and sexuality.
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About our speaker

Philip Kern is Head of New Testament at Moore Theological College.